The Consortium Silkies and Satins Our Silkie population has increased! In addition to the two paint hens, we’ve added a white and a splash hen, as well as a blue/splash rooster I’ve dubbed “Gandalf”. In total we have 9 wee little birds in that pen. Krakatoa, Mystic and Mamba were the first satin feathered bantams […]
Our Flocks – February 2024
Our farm is constantly changing, and our pens seem to be on constant rotation as well. We don’t have a whole lot of breeds, but I’ve gotten pretty attached to those we do have. We are currently working with: Standard: Wyandottes, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Black Copper, White and Splash Marans, Crested Cream Legbar, Leghorn, […]
Get to know the flocks
We finally got all of our breeding pens ready for all the different breeds and then I decided that we just had too many breeds to deal with. I sold the Lavender Orpingtons and the Blue Australorps, along with a whole crop of young Wyandotte roosters as a big lot. There were 26 in total […]