Gettim Homestead

NPIP # 74-4622

Gettim Homestead is an urban homestead in the rural Texas Panhandle.

We currently have a whole bunch of chickens, and an overwhelmingly large plot we are optimistic will one day become a thriving permaculture garden.

Our Farm

Being self sufficient is more important than ever with the state of everything happening around the world, and we are trying to become more reliant on ourselves. You never know when things will go sideways, and the last few years have shown how fast things can change.

This beginner farm is not big, or well known, or even good at what we are trying to do, but we are experimenting with different ideas, and learning new things every day.

It’s our goal to be able take care of ourselves, and hopefully have a successful enough crop to supply our friends, family and neighbors, with fresh eggs, homegrown chickens and local produce as well.

Farm Fresh Essentials

So long as the hens cooperate, we have consumption eggs available pretty much year round. Hatching eggs on the other hand will be posted when available.

As our young growouts get older, we will have them available for purchase for an affordable price. During the Summer months, we will be able to offer fresh produce as it becomes available as well.

Keep an eye on the Sales & Info page to keep up to date on what we currently have available.

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adult birds

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Our Flocks

2025 Flock Introductions

The Consortium Silkies and Satins Our Silkie population has increased! In addition to the two paint hens, we’ve added a white and a splash hen, as well as a blue/splash rooster I’ve dubbed “Gandalf”. In total we have 9 wee little birds in that pen. Krakatoa, Mystic and Mamba were the first satin feathered bantams […]

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Adult Chickens For Sale

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Our Flocks

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