For Sale 2-3-23
The growing season is approaching and we are gearing up for what we hope will be a great first year with our official homestead.
As most of you know, there have been several things going on in the chicken world that have made national headlines. From losing birds to the Avian flu, to having the price of eggs shoot through the roof, to having our own flocks stop laying altogether, it’s been a rough time for homesteaders and preppers.
Our ladies have finally come out of their slump, and we have an abundance of eggs again.
If you need eggs for eating come by – we’ve got ’em!
We are going to be separating our birds into their breeding pens soon, so check back for hatching eggs, day old chicks, grow-outs and mature hens & roosters.
Currently we only have our extra roosters for sale.
- Black Copper Maran
- Lavender Orpington
- Blue Australorp
- Easter Egger
- Frizzle Bantam