The Consortium Silkies and Satins Our Silkie population has increased! In addition to the two paint hens, we’ve added a white and a splash hen, as well as a blue/splash rooster I’ve dubbed “Gandalf”. In total we have 9 wee little birds in that pen. Krakatoa, Mystic and Mamba were the first satin feathered bantams […]
Attention Lubbock
Gettim Homestead will be in Lubbock on April 15th. If you’d like to order hatching eggs, consumption eggs, or baby chicks, delivery will be FREE on April 15th ONLY. Breeds Currently Available: Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Ayam Cemani, Mixed Color Wyandottes (including BLR), White Crested Polish Bantams and bantams including a pen with Silkie and […]
Homestead Update 2-29-24
We’ve had a LOT going on this month on the homestead! Baby Chickens! We have been hatching like crazy trying to test fertility and build up our flocks. At the end of January we hatched 3 Polish and 3 Ayam Cemani chicks. I want to say there are 2 Polish roos and 1 AC roo […]
Our Flocks – February 2024
Our farm is constantly changing, and our pens seem to be on constant rotation as well. We don’t have a whole lot of breeds, but I’ve gotten pretty attached to those we do have. We are currently working with: Standard: Wyandottes, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Black Copper, White and Splash Marans, Crested Cream Legbar, Leghorn, […]
Hatching Eggs Available
We have a dozen Olive Egger & BCM hatching eggs ready to go into your incubator. Mine’s already full of them. Get ready for chicks in 3 weeks! We have barnyard mix hatching eggs available as well. Shipping is available. NPIP Certified #74-4622
Growouts and Chicks for sale
Around the beginning of May we hatched out several little bantam eggs (and one Wyandotte), between 2 broody hens and the incubator. Unfortunately coop space says we can’t keep every chick we hatch, as much as I’d like to, so we have quite a few little cuties ready to find their new flocks. Satin-feathered Silkie […]
The Garden
For those of you wondering when we will have produce, I hate to say it but this year there is no garden after all. We had big plans, got all the seeds, planned the rows, and then the rain came in droves, causing everything with thorns to grow like they were magic beanstalks or something. […]
Get to know the flocks
We finally got all of our breeding pens ready for all the different breeds and then I decided that we just had too many breeds to deal with. I sold the Lavender Orpingtons and the Blue Australorps, along with a whole crop of young Wyandotte roosters as a big lot. There were 26 in total […]
For Sale 2-3-23
The growing season is approaching and we are gearing up for what we hope will be a great first year with our official homestead. As most of you know, there have been several things going on in the chicken world that have made national headlines. From losing birds to the Avian flu, to having the […]
Breeds & Prices
*Important Notice: We cannot guarantee any eggs we send to you will hatch. Shipped eggs go through a whole lot of things that can affect the viability, all of which are completely out of our control. Please keep in mind that we do not offer refunds for any reason. If you receive broken eggs, send […]