Attention Lubbock
Gettim Homestead will be in Lubbock on April 15th.
If you’d like to order hatching eggs, consumption eggs, or baby chicks, delivery will be FREE on April 15th ONLY.
Breeds Currently Available:
Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Ayam Cemani, Mixed Color Wyandottes (including BLR), White Crested Polish Bantams and bantams including a pen with Silkie and Satin Feathered Silkie Mixes (aka Satins), and a pen of backyard mix bantams with a red Cochin roo, over Mille Fleur and B/W D’Uccle, a Light Brama, and an Americauna mix hen who lays blue/green eggs.
Custom Cartons
We can build you a custom carton, be it a dozen, an 18 pack, or enough to fill a full flat with any of the eggs we offer on our farm. We have several breeding pens, so you can order however many you want from each pen all in the same order. Your eggs don’t have to be all from the same breed/pen.
Learn more about each of our pens, and who is with who: Our Flocks
Breeding Pens:
- Consortium #1 – Silkie, Satinized Silkie (Krakatoa’s pen)
- Consortium #2 – Bantam Wild Card (Fireball’s pen)
- Consortium #3 – White Crested Polish Bantams (Dudley’s & Philbert’s pen)
- Consortium #4 – Ayam Cemani (Slater’s pen)
- Consortium #5 – Wyandottes (Ranger’s and Sir Winston’s pen)
- New Kids In the Block – Leghorns & White/Splash Marans (Monte’s and Forest’s pen)
- The Hentagon – Easter/Olive Eggers and BCM (Toes’ and Nelson’s pen)
We’re all about the unique looking chickens! If you are too, get some eggs from our mixed pens.
The Consortium
Our Bantam girls are on Mission Mama. Mystic and Mamba just hatched out two eggs from Pearl and Fireball. I think we got one pullet and one cockerel but I can’t be sure as I’ve never seen this cross before. I don’t think these two are going anywhere until I see what they’re gonna look like.
Domino must have caught baby fever since she’s decided to go broody herself. She has two eggs of her own, one from Pearl and one from Brahma Mia (*I think). We will have eggs from the Silkies with Krakatoa, as well as Fireball and his girls: Millie, Brahma Mia and Pearl. Domino won’t be laying as long as she’s incubating eggs, so her eggs will not be included for a little while.
The Hentagon
This is our Green/Blue and BCM pen. We have two roos in here (BCM and Olive Egger) with Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, a Cream Legbar and BCM hens. Because we cannot guarantee our BCM hens only bred to the BCM roo, this pen is only offered as a custom colored basket mix. You could very well get pure BCM chicks, but there’s absolutely NO guarantee.
If you’re feeling lucky, this is what we are getting from the first generation crosses between the olive and BCM hens and the BCM roos. Your results may vary, some may be more saturated with green or could be just brown, as one of the roos is a second generation Olive Egger from our previous Olive/BCM crosses.

The New Kids In the Block (Formerly known as the Cock Block)
Our leghorn girls are in with BCM and Ayam Cemani roosters at the moment and could produce anything from a barnyard mix (BCM Roo x Leghorn Hen – probably a great multipurpose bird) to an F1 Zombie!
Roll the dice and see what you get! You could end up with a Zombie for the price of a barnyard mix.
We also have our White and Splash Marans in here. We’ve heard some people say “never cross white with black copper”, but we wanna see for ourselves what happens when you do. We’ve got a few eggs in the incubator now, so we’ll see what those crosses look like.